


Our team of landscape archi­tects and design­ers col­lab­o­rate with our clients to cre­ate excep­tion­al land­scapes, for excep­tion­al homes around Australia.

Mul­ti-lay­ered, beau­ti­ful, and some­times sur­pris­ing, the spaces we design draw upon our deep knowl­edge of hor­ti­cul­ture and ecolo­gies; our under­stand­ing of the Australian lifestyle and cli­mate, and the unique aspi­ra­tions and per­son­al­i­ties of their residents.

Every­thing we do is found­ed in the belief that land­scapes are a pow­er­ful medi­um to con­nect peo­ple to place, to tell sto­ries through time, and ele­vate the way we live outside.

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Our work


Every Wyer & Co. land­scape is a unique response to peo­ple and place. We con­sid­er the envi­ron­ment, climate, architecture and the unique needs of our clients when creating a landscape vision.


Working collaboratively with the developer, architect and design team we create unique and beautiful solution driven landscapes for multi-residential, commercial and mixed use projects.

Our Team

With a focus on high-qual­i­ty design, Antho­ny is respon­si­ble for the Cre­ative Direc­tion of Wyer & Co. over­see­ing all projects from ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion through con­struc­tion and maintenance.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Antho­ny is also focused on the future of the prac­tice, shar­ing knowl­edge and encour­ag­ing a space to fos­ter new ideas.

Lucy is a senior landscape architect with over ten years of experience at Wyer & Co. Her passion for thoughtful landscape design is supported by her ability to strategically interpret briefs. She uses her knowledge and experience to empower teams, providing guidance, support and direction to junior designers.

Andy is a senior landscape architect with over ten years of experience. He is enthusiastic, personable, and driven to produce truly unique experiences within a landscape. His talent lies in his ability to translate the distinctive characteristics of each project into considered, original designs that reflect the client and their lifestyle.

Mitch became Associate in 2024, and after initially bringing his valuable experience and knowledge from working in council, quickly showcased his attention to detail and thoughtful design solutions which result in project outcomes that constantly deliver on client expectations. Mitch excels in understanding the client brief, project site and process.

Laura Sage

General Manager

Scott Hardie

Construction Director

Rebecca Wyer

PR & Marketing Manager

Taylor Gattengo

Design Studio Manager

Shabnam Jafari

Senior Landscape Designer

Paros Huckstepp

Senior Landscape Architect

Aaron Driver

Landscape Architect

Chaeyeon Lee

Landscape Architect

Eduardo Casellato

Landscape Designer

Lydia Dahlen

Landscape Designer

Aimie Hunter

Office Manager

Mitch O'Grady

Maintenance Manager

Our Services


Every Wyer & Co. land­scape is a unique response to peo­ple and place. We con­sid­er the envi­ron­ment, ecolo­gies, and what has come before, bal­anced with a vision of what will come after.


Work­ing close­ly with our design­ers as part of an inte­grat­ed ser­vice, our con­struc­tion team has the abil­i­ty to inter­pret and exe­cute com­plex land­scape designs. Togeth­er, we ensure every aspect of the build is considered.


Our main­te­nance teams are trained hor­ti­cul­tur­al­ists and plant spe­cial­ists. Apply­ing their knowl­edge and skill they nur­ture our land­scapes and guide their evolution.