Mosman grounds

This home pays homage to a bygone era, a col­lec­tion of out­door spaces demar­cat­ed by a grand and com­pre­hen­sive plant palette. The prop­er­ty —a Fed­er­a­tion-style home in Syd­ney’s Mos­man— sits peace­ful­ly with­in this ver­dant land­scape, its sweep­ing dri­ve­ways and hid­den paths pro­vid­ing sanc­tu­ary from the out­side world.

A functional yet beautiful glass and timber gate frames views to a layered garden bed. Photo by Wyer & Co. | Landscape Design on January 09, 2023. Decorative gate is a defining feature of this federation-style home is Sydney’s Mosman.
A functional yet beautiful glass and timber gate frames views to a layered garden bed. Photo by Wyer & Co. | Landscape Design on January 09, 2023. Decorative gate is a defining feature of this federation-style home is Sydney’s Mosman.


Project director Anthony Wyer
Project lead Lucy Copty