Bronte Breeze

House and gar­den are intrin­si­cal­ly linked in this con­tem­po­rary res­i­dence in Syd­ney’s east­ern sub­urbs. Inspired by the dense, ver­dant veg­e­ta­tion of the Sin­ga­pore­an jun­gle our team sought to soft­en and com­ple­ment the archi­tec­ture while deliv­er­ing on func­tion­al require­ments such as pri­va­cy and acoustic sup­port and the cre­ation of usable space.

Palm trees and succulents by Wyer & Co soften the masculine architectural home.


Project Director Anthony Wyer
Project Lead Yolanda Conteras Tamayo
Architect MOD­SCAPE
Interiors MIM DESIGN
Photography PABLO VEIGA